Sandbox vs. Production

What are the differences between the sandbox and live environments.


When you sign up to the Bond platform and obtain authorization keys, you are immediately granted access to either the sandbox or production environments. The keys issued to you are specific to one of the environments.



Requests made to the sandbox do not move any real money.

Use the sandbox for testing your implementation. When you're happy with the results, simply change the URL used and use your production keys for production access.


The following table shows the URLs used by our sandbox and live production environments.



The following table shows specific actions that are available in our sandbox and production environments.

CapabilitiesAvailable in SandboxAvailable in Production
Create and update a Customer
Create and update a Business resource
Run KYC (Know-Your-Customer)
Live currency transactions
Create a card
Activate a card
Reissue a card
Close a card
Account Balances
Link an External Account
Retrieve all linked accounts
Initiate an ACH transfer
Cancel an ACH transfer
Initiate a dispute